Ahh... i finally rmbed my password. And username. Ya ya, u ppl think im dumb for not rmbing my own username, let alone password, but those who know me well shld know that i have a very bad memory. n bad's an understatement to describe it...
So anyways, tis the season to be jolly falalalalalalalala... but jolly is not exactly how im feeling right now... not even CLOSE. I M SO BORED! n no, its not Christmas now (how an it be??? its only june...), its somthing better, AND worse. Its holiday time! Tadadadatadadada...TADTADTADTAAAAAD... ok i shall stop the weird music now... but yeah, holidays have drawbacks too... well, maybe not for those ppl who LOVE stoning at home, but im a JUMPY person! I cant stand sitting at home with nothing to do... im going mad! i bet i even memorised the number of dots on the wall from all that time i laid on my bed and stared at the stupid wall. (No offense wall, i still love u.)
n i've been so bored that im pathetic enough to try every single one of my usernames i can think of into the username bar for my blog just so i can find something to do...
yeah, i know many of u would say that just use the computer, but im not the type of person who can actually SIT in one place and stare at one screen... my back's starting to hurt already, and its been what? 1 hour?
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! guess what Tajrian (my youngest sister) just did?! she cut her own shirt so she can sew it! And she cut her doll's shirt too! and best of all is that she didnt even tie the knot in the correct place! Its so hilarious! HAHAHAHA! I CANT STOP LAUGHING! okay, i gotta go now, my tuition teacher's gonna be here soon.
1:52 PM