Same with the title. It means BLEUGH! II, aka, BLEUGH! 2, but II sounds better.

I'm still emo. And currently in shock.
My sis just cut her chin yesterday. It was so gruesome and scary. Normally, I get excited when I see blood *this was b4 I read twilight, so dont go there!*
but this time I was WAY freaked out. My mum was crying and she was rushed to the hospital, not in an ambulance. A family friend of mom's went too, and I stayed at her house while everyone was at the hospital. I was unusually calm, considering the act that my sis had just gotten a bloody chin. At first I didn't believe that that had happened, and I thought everything is just the way it is. Then today in the train, it finally sank in. It's a really weird place to go into shock at... 
Anyway, I was really upset. 
K, thats all. Bb...
12:48 PM
It's been a long time...
Sorry about the title. I cudn't think of anything else.
Anyways, I just got my results back for End Of Years...
I have to say,
I just got my results today cos I was absent for the past few years. I mean days. I feel emo.
I don't feel like pressing backspace so please excuse my mistakes. We had some guests over at our house who just left the day b4 yesterday...Thta, I mean that's alos, I mean also, why I am emo. K that's all. I recently stopped thinking after exams, so I don''t have anything else to say. Buhbye.
9:15 AM