Oh no!
Holidays are almost over and I haven't even finished my homework yet. I am so scared. What if I can't finish it in time? I hate doing homework. It's sooooooooo boring. I think a lot of people think that too. Aren't we doing enough work at school? What's the point of doing homework anyway? I HATE HOMEWORK!!! A little homework is enough already but too much is too much! Anyway, yesterday, I spent my Christmas by playing a bit of police and thief with my parents. It was totally great. I don't think we ever did that before. Everyone was enjoying themselves. Then I went out to East Coast Park with Nabila Apu. I had a great time but I think it would have been better if my parents were there. Still, I think that was the best Christmas I ever had.
6:23 PM
Today, my youngest sister threw up and guess who had to clean it up? Me! Well, I am not exactly angry that my sister threw up but it was yucky. Anyway after that I called my mum and she told me to call her immediately if Tajrian threw up again. Well, I feel sorry for Tajrian. She was having a cold so she threw up. Poor Tajrian.
4:37 PM

Aren't the babies in the pictures cute?The baby in the picture on the top is Royoni(my materal grandmother's brother's daughter).The picture below that is my dad's friend's daughter(the baby) Ajreen and me and my sisters.You might think that the names are weird but they are good names in Bangla.Today there was a blackout at my house at around 4 o' clock. Everything suddenly went off and I checked to see if the main switch had gone off but it hadn't and then I went outside and a neighbour shouted that it was a blackout and it would come back on soon.
Actually it was two hours before anything came back on. When my mum came home it was alright again. Well, I think that was the longest blackout that I had ever experienced.
10:41 PM
Holidays rock and that's why I don't want it to end. It's almost the end of the holidays and I am so freaked out about the PSLE. I know that it's like a year away but I can't help but worry. I still have some homework to do. Mrs Raymond gave us homework at the end of the school year! It's not fair! My sisters didn't get any homework at all. It's all because of the principal. She told all the teachers to give us homework. Jurong Primary School didn't give any homework at all last time. Well, I might as well enjoy while I can, and also prepare myself for the mock examination at the start of the new school year. And also hope that the holidays can last longer. And hope that the next November holidays come soon. And hope that I don't fail my PSLE. I am sooo doomed. I have to do so many things.
9:39 PM
Yesterday and the day before.
The day before yesterday, I went to a condo for a swim and it started raining while we were swimming so we had to get out of there. Dad said that when after lunch, if it stopped raining and Mum was back from work, we could change and go swimming again. So we did but after an hour or so it started raining again.It was fun though.And after that we went home but a while later we went out to another party. It wasn't too bad there either. Yesterday we went to the East Coast Park for a picnic. It rained a lot but it was nice. We went to the beach and took a lot of photos. After the picnic we went for a function where there were famous stars from Bangladesh and I got their autographs. The function was bad but not too bad. My Mum and Dad had to stand through the show(especially my Dad). I feel sorry for them because they have already done a lot for me and my sisters. Well that's all I guess.
4:53 PM
I helped my sister make 2 blogger accounts but she can't log in to any of them. I want to help her but without knowing what problem there is, I can't help her. I've got it! I am not saying anything. Well, last night, Nabila Apu came over for a sleepover and she's still here. I love it when she comes for a sleepover or when we go there for a sleepover. I can't wait!
4:26 PM
Yay and Boo
At the end of the december holidays, for one week, I am going to have a sleepover at my house with a friend. That's the yay part. The boo part is that school's going to open again and all the stress is going to begin again. I am sooo scared about it. What if I fail my PSLE? It would be the greatest disaster ever if I fail. Who knows, I may have a mental block and might answer all the questions wrongly or not answer them at all. I feel so scared just thinking about it. If I fail my PSLE, I will not go to a good secondary school and I will not be able to handle the embarassment. Everyone(I mean my parents and all their friends) expects so much out of me. Well, I can just work really really hard and pray to get good results. And I can also wish for it to be over soon.
Anyway,let me push the horrible thoughts out of my head and enjoy what is left of the holidays. And Nabila Apu, looking forward to the sleepover very very much. Talk to you on the phone!
10:54 AM
I went for the best sleepover of my life on Sunday and came back on Tuesday night.I loved it sooooooooooo much!I want to sleepover again!!!Nabila Apu,if you are reading this, that sleepover was the greatest ever!!!Looking forward to our next sleepover very much!
4:14 PM