Hi. Second last day of school. I tried to give Mrs Raymond a present bu she didn't accept it. Can you believe it? I spent $1.50 of my savings on it and she turned it down. If she had just taken it, I would be way happier that my money didn't go to waste. Some people think they are being kind when they refuse it but actually it's better to take it than to let THEIR MONEY GO TO WASTE!!!!! I am soooo never buying a Concord teacher a present. In my former school, the teachers would just take the gift as I am sure that
they don't want the money to be wasted! I just wish that I could get my $1.50 back.
7:56 PM
I Hate My Computer.
Today in the computer lab, my computer was not working again! Well, the computer was but the mouse was not. There is always something wrong with the darn computer. I can't believe that the holidays are so close. But my parents want me to go for bengali tuition during the holidays! I wonder if I tell them that our teacher said that we should play until we drop dead, they will beleive me. I WANT FREEDOM!!!!!!!! Not that I don't get any. I do, but sometimes I feel as if that's not enough. It was really nice of Gigi to lend me her computer.
8:12 AM