Today,I went to "Erica's" blog.It was so funny!Was it you Shammah,or is it really Erica's blog?I can't believe she is that full of herself.Really!I don't think it is her.Is it?Anyway,I need Erica's email address because I want to send her that email.The one that shows how much I dislike Erica.Actually I hate Erica more than what I wrote but I could not think of any really bad words except for b**** which I don't like to use.The compo exam was okay but I think I could scrape through with a 25 or more or less.I missed out a part.I did question 3 which is about I lay in bed and could not sleep for hours.Suddenly, I got up.I missed out the Suddenly,I got up.I wrote that I could not sleep for hours and I recalled what had happened in the day.I wrote what I had done and then I went on to say that I had gone for a stroll in the park and heard a hiss and when I had gone to check,I saw that it was a snake which bit a woman and then the next day I saw in the newspaper that she had died.Fiona says I was long winded and I think she is right.Most of the compo was what I had done for the day.I wanted to write what had happened after I finished recalling but I decided to cut it short since there was barely any time.I just hope I can get a 25 or above.
3:33 PM