No title I can think of
Hi! Well,I don't really think I have anything new except that my "adorable" and "cute" sister did not let me have my afternoon nap.I still love her.And Shammah,I still love my younger sister too.
6:20 PM
Well,today was a boring,usual day.Today,during science when Mrs Chua was revising levers and inclined planes with us,I almost fell asleep!Not because the lesson was boring(well,maybe a little bit),but also because I could not get much of sleep at night.Oh and also because I stayed up until 1am doing my homework because I was too busy to finish it before.Well,I keep telling myself that I will finish all my homework on Friday,but I have soo much bangla homework and they are soo boring that I fall asleep when I start doing it and then I wake up very late at around 11 to 12 pm.And then I have bangla school on Saturday and when I get home at around 2 pm,I have to like wash my shoes and all and then at 7 my music teacher comes to teach me and after that there is usually a new movie on Disney Channel and I watch that and after that I play around and then have dinner and then go to sleep.Then the next day I have tuition at 9am and after that I play the whole day and at around 8pm my Arabic teacher comes and I learn that until 9pm and after playing around some more,I have dinner and try to go to sleep as early as I can but that is not realyy possible as I have last minute homework which I stay up late to do.Well,it's reeeaaaallly stressful,but I'm used to it.
6:03 PM
Sometimes people are nice but sometimes they are not.
Well today was a bit chaotic and I was almost scared to death too.But I am not telling what had happened all I can say is that Auntie forgave the so called "criminal".And also that people can forgive if they want to.I felt like crying when Auntie scolded my sister Tajrian.All I could think was that Uncle was not going to forgive Tajrian and I also wished that Granny was here(not my real Granny,my Auntie's(who is my mother's friend )mother)because only she could calm both Tajrian and her daughter down.Tajrian went to a room and cried there for a looooong time.Well she locked herself in the room for a long time.She fell asleep after crying too much.She is a kid after all.I miss both my real grannies and my almost real granny.I wish she was here with me now.
5:45 PM
Somethingz just have to be told!!
AARRGGGHH!!!I have so much homework today!I was absent yesterday and now,I have twice as much homework as the rest of the class!!I had CME too,during mother tongue today.There is this new girl in the school and Ramya says that she is not nice.Her name is not going to be told.Ramya says that the new girl took her things and follows her everywhere.And once when I was saying bye to Fiona,the new girl(let's just name her TNG)was in front of Fiona and when I said bye to Fiona,TNG thought I was saying bye to her(TNG).Oh well!I feel sorry for her though.Well there is someone else that I hate.Ok there's more than 1.The people are Malcolm and ERICA!!!I HATE THEM BOTH SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There are more people from the world that I hate too,but these people are from my school.Malcolm is a total bully and Erica is a total dufus,idiot,stupid,fat,whining,did I mention stupid,crazy and spoiled brat who thinks she is Miss Universe just by wearing bikinis at the pool and mini skirts probably with halter tops(which sooo will not look good on her<> )I had to sit beside her once because of my stupidity.Well Mrs Raymond let us choose where we want to sit and me and Tiffany made plans to sit together but there was no space in the first row and I can't have a clear view of the board from any other rows so I told Tiffany to sit beside Fiona and I would go sit beside Erica though I so didn't want to.Since we were in rows of two,I was almost beside Tiffany except for a small gap.Well can't continue the story today.Gotta go get my youngest sister from school!!Cattcha later!!!
3:21 PM